Name: Dr. Aqeel Abbas Bukhari
Designation: Professor
Department: Electronics
Qualifications: PhD Computer Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (2005)
MPhil Electronics
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad (2001)
MSc Electronics
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad (1998)
Phone: +92-51 9064-2116
Status: On Job
Other Weblink:
Research Interests:
1. Statistical Signal Processing and Estimation Theory
2. Spread Spectrum and Wireless Communication Systems
3. Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning
4. Inverse Scattering and Optical Signal Processing
1. c, `Partial projection tler for signal restoration in the
presence of signal space noise,’ IEICE Trans. Inf & Syst., vol.E87-D, no.12, Dec.
2. A. Syed and H. Ogawa, `Characterization and implementation of partial pro-
jection lter in the presence of signal space nosie,’ IEICE Trans. Inf & Syst.,
vol.E87-D, no.12, Dec. 2004.
3. A. Syed and H. Ogawa, `Optimal sampling operator for signal restoration in the
presence of signal space and onbservation space noises,’ IEICE Trans. Inf & Syst.,
vol.E88-D, no.12, Dec., 2005.
4. M. Taj, A. Naqvi, A. A. Syed, and Q. A. Naqvi, ’Study of Focusing of a Cylindrical
Interface of Chiral Nihility-Chiral Nihility Media Using Maslov’s Method’Progress
In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 22, 181-190, 2011.
5. M. A. Baqir, A. A. Syed, and Q. A. Naqvi, Electromagnetic Fields in a Circular
Waveguide Containing Chiral Nihility Metameterial, Progress In Electromagnetic
Research M, VOL. 16, 85-93, 2011.
6. S. R. Qamar, A. Naqvi, A. A. Syed, and Q. A. Naqvi, Radiation characteristics
of elementary sources located in unbounded chiral nihility metamaterial, Journal
of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, JEMWA, vol. 25, vol. 713-722, 2011.
7. Shakeel Ahmed, Abdul Gha
ar, Naveed Muhammad, Qaisar Abbas Naqvi and
Aqeel A. Syed, ’Electromagnetic Scattering from Parallel Nihility Cylinders Coated
by Dissipative and Dispersive DNG Materials’, Mathematical Problems in Engi-
neering, accepted for publication.
8. A. Syed and H. Ogawa, `Signal restoration in the presence of signal space nosie,’
Symposium on Large Scale Knowledge Resources, pp.171-174, Tokyo, Japan,
March 2005.
9. A. Syed and H. Ogawa, `Degraded image acquisition and restoration by the partial
projection lter,’ Proceedings of the 4 th IASTED Conference on VIsualization,
Imaging, and Image Processing, pp.523-528, Marbella, Spain, Sept. 2004.
10. A. Syed and H. Ogawa, `Image restoration in the presence of signal space and
observation space noises,’ SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Salt Lake City,
Utah, USA, May 2004.
11. C. Leguizamo, A. Syed, and K. Mori, `Assurance system architecture for dis-
tributed database system,’ Proceedings of the 7 th International High Assurance
Systems Engineering Symposium, pp.43-50, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2002.
12. A. Syed, S. Kato, and K. Mori, `Autonomous reconstruction for real-time dis-
tributed database system through Mobile Agent coordination,’ Proceedings of
the International Conference on Parallel and Distribited Processing Techniques
and Application, pp.963-969, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2002.
13. A. Syed, S. kato, C. Leguizamo, and K. Mori, `Fault detection and reconvery
technique by an autonomous Mobile Agent in autonomous decentralized database
system,’ High Assurance Systems Group Technical Report, pp. 33-40, Tokyo,
Japan, March 2002.
14. A. Syed and A. Rizvi, `Narrowband interfernece suppression in direct sequence
spread spectrum communication systems,’ Proceedings of IEEE International
Multi-topic Confernece, pp.178-184, Lahore, Pakistan, Dec. 2001.
15. A. Syed and K. Mori, `Integration of Mobile Agent based autonomous decenrtlized
database systems,’ IEICE Technical Report, pp.1-8, Tokyo, Japan, June 2001.